Customer Support Sim Dev Log #4
By Angus Cheng
- Added sound effects for when messages come in, player actions are correct and when player actions are incorrect.
- Added functionality to randomly create users. The names all come from obscure F1 drivers. I found a list of all F1 drivers, sorted them by the number of races they attended from least to most.
- Conversation closes when the user gives out an incorrect password.
- Lowered the music volume. This should be something the user can set in the settings page. Will make a settings page sometime in the future… or maybe not.
- Created conversation type where user asks for a password, but they don’t have an account
- Create a conversation type where a malicious user asks for a real user’s password.
- Added functionality to randomly create password request conversations. Before this all conversations were static.
- Added the ability to close ValuedBehaviour windows.
- Went hiking in Quarry Bay, didn’t do any work.
- Close button animates when you hover/unhover over it.
- Went hiking in Lantau
Added my name to the title screen because I am an ego maniac. Also because of this talk:
Plumpy, your manager, only appears when he has something to tell you. Previously his window was there the whole time.
Allowing users to close the information and user windows
Lose level one if you make three errors
Created a fail state, it just says FAIL and then let’s you restart the level.
First conversation should not end if you get the password wrong.
Created a Canned Replies icon.
Create a Canned Replies window
When user asks for password without an account, plumpy tells you to open canned replies.
Fixed a bug where UI elements in a window would ‘dither’ when moving the windows around.
- Fixed a bug where you could reply twice to a user
- Fixed a crash in level two.
- Created the opening conversation for level three.
- Non player characters can send picture messages now.
- Joined up levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. You can play all four levels now.