Customer Support Sim Dev Log #3
By Angus Cheng
- // TODO: You can just use Delay
- // TODO: You can just use PlaySong
- // TODO: Does this need to be a MutableList?
- // TODO: Try wiping out these lateinit var declarations. Nicer if they can be vals
- // TODO: Consider adding a OnEnter and OnExit methods
- Delays on successEvents/failEvents don’t seem to be working
- Level 2 call should change photos when different people are talking.
- Create a SetSkypePhoto Event
- Create LevelDataBuilder class?
- Create a CloseSkypeWindow event
- Class that creates ValuedBehaviourWindows every X seconds
- Create a ValuedBehaviourWindow
- Level 2 core values spamming
- //TODO: Do some deduplication
- //TODO: Dedupe this code
- ValueBehaviourSpammer should only trigger after the SkypeCall
- ValueBehaviourSpammer should only run on Level2.
- Players should close chats
- Level 2: After five chats
- Level 2: Users ask for information
- Do not let users drag windows off the screen
- Sometimes users just say Hi
- Type up notes you made into or
- See how kickstarter is doing
- Create a GenericConversation class
- Replace all other conversations with GenericConversation
- Conversation objects should hold onto IEvents not UserEvents
- Rename V2 methods
- Read and organise
- Read and organise
- Merge into
- Read and cleanup backlog in
- Read and organise
- Message history can bleed over the window
- Handle case where message is long
- Chat input field can bleed over the window
- One long word in WrappedText can bleed across the maxWidth
- Break into levels, after a certain amount of events you go to the next level
- Log slow frames
- Model the rules for your sales script
- GenericConversation -> Conversation
- InformationPrompt should take a list
- Fill out events in SalesConversationFactory
- Code that generates X Conversations from a SalesScript
- Should be able to play through a few sales conversations
- “Please Greet Me” softlock.
- Add Delays to failEvents
- When a window pops up, give it focus?
- Create sales-script.txt icon
- Create a SalesScriptWindow
- SalesScript window describes how to sell to users
- Level 1 -> Level 4